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Miranum Console Quickstart Guide

Miranum Console is one component of the Miranum IDE.
It is a user interface for Miranum CLI that assists you in the creation of a new digitization project and the generation of new process artifacts.

Create a new Project

We start with an empty workspace in VS Code. So your screen should look something like this:

Empty Workspace

To create a new project, follow these steps:

  1. Select the Miranum Console view in the Activity Bar on the left side of VS Code.
  2. Click on Generate a new project in the bottom left corner of the view.
  3. Enter a name for your project.
  4. Select a location for your project.
  5. Click on Generate.

Create new Project

After a few seconds, the project and workspace are created.

Miranum Console will generate the following files and folders:


BPMN diagrams must be created for the process engine they intend to be deployed on. Right now (v0.5.3) the generated BPMN diagrams are only compatible with Camunda 7.

  • miranum.json - The project configuration file
  • .bpmn - The BPMN diagram for Camunda 7
  • /forms - The folder for your forms
  • /element-templates - The folder for your element templates
  • /configs - The folder for your configuration files

We will explore some of these files and folders in more detail in the following guides.

Generate a Process Artifact

If your project needs more artifacts, you can generate them with Miranum Console.

  1. Select the Miranum Console view in the Activity Bar on the left side of VS Code.
  2. Click on Generate a new file in the bottom left corner of the view.
  3. Enter a file name
  4. Select the type of the file you want to generate
  5. Click on Generate

Generate new File

Deploy a Process


Miranum Console has a build in feature to deploy your artifacts within VS Code. However, this feature is not up-to-date and needs to be overhauled. You can still use the Miranum CLI to deploy your artifacts.

The documentation for the Miranum CLI can be found here.